Become a Digital
Marketing Expert
in 90 Days
Learn secret strategies & tactics that generated over INR 5000 crores in
revenue for various big & small brands
Physical Classes
15th Nov 2023
Online Classes
08:00 AM-10:30 AM

Chaitanya Nandigam
People we've trained work at

Who is this Course for?
Who want to pursue lucrative career in digital marketing and to start their own Business.
Marketing Freelancers
Who wants to increase their revenue-generation opportunities, acquire bigger clients
Home makers
Who want to Restart their Career by freelancing and working from home and Part time jobs as well.
Fresher & Marketing Professionals
Beginner & Intermediate Marketers who want to set themselves apart in a crowded industry
Real Estate Professionals
Who wants to build their brand, generates leads for their Business and to grow their sales etc.,
Sales Executives
If you are interested in continuing in the sales field, understanding digital marketing and specifically lead generation will really get you ahead.
People who are interested in Digital Marketing
Who wants to be part of a growing community of some of the best minds in the industry
Social Media Marketers
Who wants to grow their skill-set in Digital Marketing through Social Media Platforms
Working Professionals
Who wants to transition to an in-demand & profitable career with their own professional works.
Meet your Trainer
Chaitanya Nandigam is a seasoned digital marketer and tech entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience implementing distinctive strategies globally. As an enthusiastic team player and a skillful project management expert, he has scaled many heights in the digital marketing business and added many feathers to his hat.

Chaitanya Nandigam
Get Certified
Yes! You will be certified for this Course once you submit your assignment.
Official and verified
Receive an instructor signed certificate with institution’s logo to verify your achievements and increase your job prospects
Easily shareable
Add the certificate to your CV or your Resume or post it directly on LInkedin. You can even post it on instagram and twitter.
Career shifting
Use your certificate to make a life changing shift into Digital Marketing or stay ahead in your Marketing Career.

Why Emblix Academy?
- 12+ years of Experience
- 600+ Trained from Us
- 3000+ Websites
- 4500+ Digital Marketing Projects Handled
- 99% Projects Success Rate
- 500 Cr+ Ads Budget Managed
- 550 Students Got Placed
What will you learn in the Course?
Search Engine Optimization
Social Media Marketing
Online Reputation Management
Web Analytics
Lead Generation
Email marketing
Search Engine Marketing
Google Ads
Time is running out.
Grab your spot fast!
Digital Marketing Tools